Chances are, you or someone you know has at some time experienced issues with body image, self-esteem, self-worth, depression, anxiety, or negative thinking. These experiences are a natural part of being human, and ideally we move through them gracefully or not gracefully into spaces of deeper self-understanding, self-acceptance, and humility. That is, through the pain of knowing how not to love ourselves or to push this love away, we come to a more radical unconditional self-love.
Through my observations of myself and of the people close to me in my life, I have noticed that self-esteem and self-worth issues can be triggered from long-standing beliefs and patterns of behaviour - relationships that were uncaring or abusive, careless words said by others or ourselves, unloving thoughts.
Often times, unconscious touch, given and received, can have negative consequences for body image. Imagine in your relationships if you felt that the touch of your significant other was always hyper-sexualised, for example. Or if, in the past, people only touched you if they wanted something from you (sex, affection, approval, agreement). If these are the patterns you've experienced, touch can be loaded with so much baggage, stories, and judgement.
My theory is that if we can heal the intention of touch, we can heal the effect on the receiver (and the giver, actually!). This is the work I am doing with my Hawaiian massage practice. Through meditation and connection to source, I purify my intention throughout the treatment session, asking that any unwanted thoughts and judgements be removed, and that my intention and actions be for the highest benefit of the client.
The feedback I have received has supported this theory. Even though I've not explained the energetic intention of the treatment in most cases to the client, frequently they will say to me that they felt accepted, nurtured, and even beautiful! Several times, I've had clients express to me that for some time during their massage, all worries about their body, and self-judgements completely cleared and they felt that everything is exactly how it should be.
This feedback is so inspiring for me. It affirms that what I know to be true can be shared with others through the power of intentioned touch.
My intention with this work is to share with anyone who can benefit from the clearing of negative body image or negative associations with touch. I see this in particular as being relevant to women who have been in hyper-sexualised or abusive relationships.
I want everyone to know that they are worthy, exactly as they are in their current body. Everyone deserves to love and be loved. Everyone deserves to be touched in a pure and loving way.
In order to make this potential for healing accessible to EVERYONE, I offer sliding scale prices on my treatments. I would also like to announce that each month I will offer one or two treatments gratis (without charge) to those who can't afford to pay the fee. If you would like to nominate someone you know to receive one of these treatments with me, please email me with a couple of sentences on why you think this person would benefit from this experience and the reason that you believe they might be experiencing financial hardship. Of course, you may also nominate yourself.
You can get in touch via the Contact page of my website
or email
I know that sometimes the hardest thing to do is to reach out and make contact. I hope you will have the courage to follow up if this is something that your heart is telling you to do.
Much love,
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