Friday, July 17, 2015

negative emotions and the law of attraction...simple stuff

My friend and I did this experiment to try to work out the best way to deal with negative emotions. 

We were discussing how our patterning had taught us to be independent and responsible and to stand on our own two feet and how this often translated into hiding our emotions and an inability to reach out for the support of others in times of need. We thought that, in the spirit of community (which we both assign more value to of late), we would give a try to reaching out to the other one when negative feelings arise, with the intention not of wallowing in sorrow or self-pity, but to deliberately try to assist in pivoting the other's mood around with greater efficiency than we can normally achieve in a solo effort.

The experiment didn't last long for me. The following day I found myself stepping through the awkward barrier of the "textual cry for help", sending a message proclaiming that I felt lonely and premenstrual (HA.) The response I received told me everything I needed to know about how flawed our hypothesis is. It showed me again the infallible and all-pervasive Law of Attraction, which never ever goes awry!

The response?

"at work. i think ur awesome."

Oh the precision and beauty of such a disappointing moment! The vibration of lonely cannot be met with any other vibration than that which it emits.....loneliness begets more loneliness.

I processed the situation via a nap and when I woke up I wrote...

"I keep learning this one. Maybe if I write it I will remember now. Something uncomfortable comes and you want to reach out for its opposite but it is an invitation. Take it, lean in. It is an invitation to go deeper. There is something there just beyond the strain of the discomfort. Look at it, don't look away. 

You are lonely and you want to fill that void with other people, go out, get busy, be seen and touch someone. But don't do it, don't touch a soul. Go into the loneliness. Be and breathe the loneliness. It is speaking a sacred lesson to you. You are right here inside. The loneliness is not a 'thing' but a guard that the ego presents to protect reality as it is currently perceived. But what is beyond that veil there is no question, there is only a deep knowing, a jarring awake. 

So always move in when you are invited by the pain. Go inside it. There is some great gift in there. A becoming.

Never fear.

Faith is the most important muscle you can exercise.

You will emerge.

You will be revealed to you. This is so important."