I'm new to blogs...(yes, I've been living under a rock) but one of my
recent favourites is by a guy called Ben Riggs. He discusses many different
topics related to spirituality and has a beautiful way of using words to point
to the truth.
The following is an absolute doozy of a composition (meant in a totally awestruck sort of way) and I would love to share it.
I love to read and re-read (especially) the beginning of this piece and carefully unfold each delicate layer.
Here is what Riggs writes:
"There is a manner of living pre-ordained by my whole person.
This manner of living is intuited in the body and this intuition is
rendered at the level of consciousness as a journey.
When the map is written in symbols which relate to the immediacy of my incarnation—the unfolding of my Being into the present moment—then the journey is first and foremost an inner-journey, reflected in the world I live in.
When the map is written in signs, which fail to point past their obvious
meaning, the journey is seen as some sort of obligation to the external
Here Riggs eloquently defines the difference between Eckhart Tolle's
"internal" and "external" purposes. The "whole
person" he refers to is the being that extends beyond the physical. The
bundle of karma of many lives, or Deepak Chopra's "Listener" (turn
your attention to who is listening). The pure energy (capital) You.
There is, of course, a way to live in alignment with You. You will know
you're there when you feel the inspiration. Everything falls into place. There
is an undeniable sense of well-being.
I love how Riggs brings the physical body into this equation with
"intuition". It is as if you can FEEL in your body what is in
alignment with You and what is not. And can't you? If you really pay attention
to physical feelings in your body aren't they saying things like "I can
trust this person," or "don't walk down that dark alley," or
"time now to rest and rejuvenate," or "don't eat that second
piece of cake"? I love the depth of purpose this affords the body.
(Like, oh shit, now I know why I have feelings!)
When we live in the "immediacy of [our] incarnation", (i.e.
the present moment, or rather, when we are conscious) our soul sings its
purpose into the realm of the manifest. We are "tuned in, tapped in,
turned on" (Abraham-Hicks) and our inner purpose is reflected naturally
into/as our external purpose. If we start at the end (external) and work
backwards (to find 'meaning') our soul is bound in clumsy physical chains.
As someone who has spent her whole life 'trying to find my purpose,'
these words are healing beyond measure. Who knew that all I need to do is be
(capital) Me.
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