Wednesday, June 18, 2014

coming inside

you beg and you beg and once you are finally granted access to the whole world, you find that the very best part was the part you had access to all along.

you start as a baby. you can't move but to cry and flail. you are confined to your own little body. 

as you grow bigger and more capable, your world expands.

now the perimeter of your crib. now the soft blanket where your mother places you and you begin to crawl. now the coffee table where you prop yourself up for the first time.

the whole room. the whole house. and finally you go outside and play. you walk to school by yourself. you get older and you borrow your mother's car. 

you are free. you fly away to the other side of the world. you go where your impulses take you.

you try everything.

you taste foods, drugs, flesh. you send your mind through the expanse of books, of knowledge and learning.

you go where your imagination will allow you.

then you sit. alone. in a room.

you become very still and quiet. 

you wait for that treasured glimpse of the whole universe inside you.

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